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How to Choose the Right Natural Male Libido Booster

Published July 27th, 2021 by Blog Team

Sex should be exciting, passionate, and something that brings you closer to your partner. Exhaustion, stress, and anxiety can make this intimate act seem more like a chore than anything else.

If you're struggling with your libido, you may feel unconfident or emasculated. For help getting your sex drive back, read our guide on how to choose the right natural male libido booster.

1. Certain Fruits

Is your diet lacking a lot of color? If all you eat is bread, pasta, and meat, you're missing out on certain fruits' aphrodisiac properties. Fruits like pineapples, peaches, and pomegranates can help get you in the mood:


Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain. Researchers recognize bromelain for its ability to stimulate testosterone production and increase a man's sex drive.


Peaches are packed full of Vitamins A and C, which provide you with the energy you need to keep up in bed. Plus, Vitamin C can increase your testosterone levels.


Pomegranates are some of the most important aphrodisiac foods. They contain many antioxidants, which are properties that help you look and feel better. Antioxidants decrease inflammation and promote blood flow to the genital area, meaning you can reach your climax quicker and have more powerful orgasms.

2. Certain Vegetables

When it comes to learning how to increase male libido naturally, you shouldn't leave vegetables out of the picture. Certain veggies can work wonders for your sexual endurance:


While most online lifestyle articles will tell you to steer clear of garlic before a date, this vegetable might be able to help you in the bedroom. It can increase nitric oxide levels, resulting in improved blood flow and better erectile function.


Another important libido-boosting veggie to supplement into your diet is arugula. This vegetable has a similar makeup to garlic and can elevate your sexual pleasure.

3. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a supplement that derives from a tree native to China. Individuals most commonly take it in extract form.

It's one of the best libido enhancement products for men who suffer from depression. According to one study, this supplement improved libido in the majority of individuals who were experiencing a lower sex drive initiated by antidepressant use.

If you've been taking Lexapro, Zoloft, or other antidepressants for a long period, you may be experiencing a low sex drive. Ginkgo biloba can help restore your confidence and performance in the bedroom.

4. Red Ginseng

Red ginseng is another popular herb in Chinese medicine, and for good reason. In multiple studies, it proved to be much more effective at increasing sexual libido than the placebos.

While red ginseng is a viable option for many middle-aged men, you must evaluate your circumstances to determine if it's right for you. For example, red ginseng can interfere with some cancer treatment plans and mix badly with blood-thinning medications. Talk with your doctor before you begin incorporating this supplement into your diet.

5. Yohimbine

Have you ever heard of yohimbine before? It's one of the more uncommon natural libido supplements, but it's very effective. It derives from the bark of an evergreen tree that grows in Western Africa.

Many researchers have compared this supplement's effects to Viagra. It can help a consumer maintain their erection and last much longer in bed. Plus, yohimbine can actually improve the quality of an erection, meaning you'll have a much stronger finish in the bedroom.

6. Chocolate

When it comes to food supplements, you can't get much more romantic than chocolate. Think chocolate-covered strawberries, boxes of chocolate, and shared cups of hot cocoa.

While these cocoa-based foods may conjure romantic images, their effects go far beyond mental. Chocolate produces many physical effects that are essential to understanding how to increase libido.

When you eat any chocolate-based food, your body will encourage the release of two chemicals: serotonin and phenethylamine. 

Serotonin is a "feel-good" hormone that stabilizes your mood and promotes feelings of happiness. With more of it in your body, you'll be able to combat ill feelings that are distracting you from honing in on sex.

The other chemical, phenethylamine, similarly improves your mood and stimulates the central nervous system to help you surmount depressive feelings and have a more fulfilling sex life.

7. Maca

Maca is an edible biennial plant that hails from Peru. Most people in the medical community recognize this plant for its ability to improve libido in women going through menopause.

However, maca has some life-changing effects for men as well. In various trials, it has increased sexual desire for middle-aged male participants.

Maca can also improve the volume, count, and motility of a male's sperm. Decreased fertility can result in a lower sex drive, so it's essential to address a male's sperm production when learning how to increase libido. Luckily, maca can address both fertility issues and the emotional factors that play into lower libido.

Still Searching For a Natural Male Libido Booster? Try Schwinning Supplements Today!

All our male libido booster suggestions are relatively easy to find in stores and incorporate into your everyday meals. However, you may be looking for a dedicated product that's readily available and has a sole purpose: to increase your libido.

That's where Schwinning supplements can help. These pills contain our brand's revolutionary formula that's been tried and tested. It consists of various herbs famous for their ability to improve libido.

Order a trial pack to test this product for yourself, or reach out to our team for more information! Everyone deserves to have a fulfilling sex life, and we're here to help you get back on track.

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